Background of the Study
The application of budgeting principles to the administration of public organisations or institutions is the focus of this study. Taking into account the fact that every business, whether public or private, must deal with the procurement and utilisation of resources (both human and material), which must be used in a manner that is both effective and efficient in order to achieve maximum output, planning and control are responsibilities that must be fulfilled (Nwoko 2022). According to Henry (1980:2006), he said that many to problems of public administration that concept budgeting have the longest and major impact on the fields of administration, impact on the field of administration, he said that many to problems of public administration that concept budgeting have the longest and major impact on the fields of administration (Ocheocha 2021). Also according to Reed and Swain (1997:4), public budgeting is concerned with the planned acquisition and use of resources by public entities and involves the decisions of what revenues to collect and what expenditures to make. That is to say, concrete decision must be reach in order to avoid great loss, management must work toward achieving this both in human capital and financial resources. Reed and Swain (1997:4) put it this way that public budgeting is concerned with the planned acquisition and use of resources by public entities and involves the decisions of what revenues to (Olewe 2021).
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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